CPE Courses

Maximize the Return on Your Hiring Investment: How to Welcome, Engage, and Retain New Employees with Your Onboarding Strategy in 2020
Whether you call it Onboarding, Induction, Enculturation, or New Employee Orientation (NEO), the process used to welcome and train your new employees while capturing their excitement of a new job and reducing their new job jitters is critical to their success. NEO is not a one-day event, but rather a process that begins after their acceptance of the job and extends through the first year of their employment..

Mediating Employee Complaints And Conflict Resolution Maneuvers For Managers
In a workplace, problems are solved all day long and interpersonal conflicts should be just another problem to be solved. However, it’s always easier to solve problems regarding things. But the people side of problems is usually trickier and in actuality, it’s highly unlikely that any problem solved in the workplace doesn’t have a people element to it. Some people like to say nothing in business is personal..

New California Employment Laws for 2018
2018 brought California a variety of updated employment laws. This is a primer to the new California employment law and an update to changes to the existing laws for 2018. Among the various topics will be updates to the Fair Pay Act and a brief summary of new rules regarding background checks, and wage and hour laws. There will also be a brief discussion of the federal immigration laws as they are being app..

Office Gossip Solutions for Instant Impact and Results
How an organization deals with gossip can be mean the difference between growing and thriving or disintegrating from within. Office gossip is a fact of life; what you do with it is up to you. Come to this workshop and find out the answers to your questions, as well as exactly what you need to do to stop gossip in its tracks in your workplace. Stop Gossip in its Tracks before it ruins your reputation, your o..

Onboarding a Multi Generation Workforce
Onboarding is a topic often talked about but never done the right way. Many confuse Onboarding with New Hire Orientation. Although New Hire orientation is necessary, Onboarding is an important ingredient in retaining employees.Many organization that utilizes Onboarding still find it very difficult to retain employees. In this session, participants will learn how important it is to engage multi-generations i..

Onboarding Best Practices for Millennials and all Employees
Reducing turnover and fast-tracking new employees to productivity is a key business imperative. The reality is that about 30% of employees don’t make it past their first year and it’s expensive. Good recruitment and hiring can be quickly undone by disorganized poorly executed new employee orientation. And as millennials become a driving force in the workplace, they represent special opportunities and ch..

Onboarding is Not Orientation, Improving the Employee Experience
In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.Areas CoveredThe points covered in this webinar include:The cost of turnoverThe steps involved..

Pay Equity! The New Tsunami for Employers
State and local governments are increasingly adopting laws and regulations that prohibit employers from requesting salary history information from job applicants. The laws are aimed at ending the cycle of pay discrimination and some go further than merely banning pay history questions. A few also prohibit an employer from relying on an applicant's pay history to set compensation if discovered or volunteered..

Payroll Compliance in 2020: W4, 1099, Exempt/Non-Exempt and Time Reporting
When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law in December 2017, sweeping changes to Form W-4 became a matter of “when,” not “if.” Those changes—arguably the biggest since the form debuted in 1943—are finally materializing for the 2020 tax year, after a one-year implementation delay prompted by feedback from payroll and tax communities. Let’s provide some context for the current W-4 situation bef..

Performance Reviews That Build Loyalty
Employee performance evaluations are an essential factor in the development of employees and the growth of the company as it is an opportunity to identify an employee’s strengths and areas that need improvement. Yet most managers and employees alike dread them. Why? Because the evaluation often has the wrong focus – a focus of telling the employee what they must do to improve or why they are getting less th..

Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying in the Workplace: Today’s Climate Update for 2020 and Beyond
This course is designed for all employees in your organization. It is intended to help employees learn how to behave appropriately in today’s workplace.It has become clear that complaints are being made and honored about behaviors that in the past had seemed “too mild” to worry about. Only egregious sexual misconduct was brought to the attention of those in charge. Not so anymore. Today, even the mildest fo..

Preventing Sexual and Other Harassment/Discrimination Claims
The laws have changed – as of January 1, 2020, any employer with five (5) or more employees MUST offer this type of training. Employees include part-time, interns whether paid or not, and some contractors. It also includes people working in other locations, such as at home. Every day we are learning about more harassing, bullying, and abusive behavior on the part of men (mostly men – some women) who have be..

Principles for Hiring Great People
People are the primary resource and solution to all of your goals and dreams. It all starts with your ability to hire great people. The better you get at hire, the better everything turns out. You will learn critical elements, practices, and insights on how to hire the best people. Quality people will make your job easier, the organization better, and produce at a level of excellence most people only dream ..

Psychiatric Illnesses in the Workplace
More and more people –often your employees suffer from mental illness. Whether this is a result of the environment or better diagnostic tools is open to question. Those with a mental illness often deny this fact and often try to hide it from employers. Such is often a result of fear of being terminated or to avoid the stigma often attached to mental illness. As a result, mental health disorders often g..

Resolving Workplace Conflict
Whether people sit and work side by side or have to collaborate from thousands of miles away, there will be misunderstandings, hurt feelings and conflict. In this course we are going to explore some of the multiple reasons for conflict and look at appropriate interventions and solutions to solve them. Some conflict is simple to resolve, just some understanding of the impact your behaviour has on other. Othe..