Live Webinar

Independent Contractor Or Employee? How To Avoid Misclassifying Your Workers?

 August 16 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 75 Minutes
Independent Contractor Or Employee? How To Avoid Misclassifying Your Workers?

Misclassifying workers is one of the costliest mistakes in all of personnel management. Even as the cost of employing workers rises, facing an audit of workers you put on 1099 can mean an expensive payroll tax assessment one that often ends in bankruptcy. Although the IRS has remained relatively consistent in its evaluation of working relationships, many states are forcing more and more workers to be put on..

Information Security And Risk Management:  Program Structure And Value Add

 August 16 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Information Security And Risk Management: Program Structure And Value Add

This discussion will follow this agenda:What is risk analysis and what is it supposed to do?What does it tell you and what does it not tell you?Why are there so many seemingly different “frameworks?Is one better than another?Implementation of Risk Management as a “cultural” aspect in the orgAreas Covered     The Essence of Risk Analysis and Risk Management o Examples of Risk Manage..

Strategic Video Marketing: Maximize Impact, Minimize Costs

 August 16 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 180 Minutes
Strategic Video Marketing: Maximize Impact, Minimize Costs

This session is designed to equip you with practical insights and techniques to get started with video marketing if you haven’t already and excel in video marketing if you’ve already started.Through a blend of expert guidance and hands-on learning, participants will gain proficiency in fundamental aspects of video creation, ensuring both impact and efficiency. Our workshop covers an array of crucial topics,..

Changing Behavior: Why Rewards and Punishments Often Aren’t Enough?

 August 19 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Changing Behavior: Why Rewards and Punishments Often Aren’t Enough?

Today's workforce is mobile and unwilling to stay in a job where appreciation is rare or where the person is not making a difference. You are judged on the quality of work of your team members, which means you must help them perform at their best. Everyone is unique and requires a unique approach. The fundamentals of human motivation enable you to engage each employee and the entire team for top performance..

Cybersecurity challenges in medical device technology

 August 19 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Cybersecurity challenges in medical device technology

The landscape of medical device technology is rapidly evolving, with an increasing reliance on interconnected and digitized systems within the healthcare industry. This shift, while bringing about numerous benefits in patient care and data management, also introduces a host of cybersecurity challenges. The complexity of modern medical devices, coupled with the integration of wireless communication and embed..

How to be an authentic leader?

 August 19 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
How to be an authentic leader?

Authentic leadership goes beyond traditional leadership models; it's about leading from the heart, staying true to your values, and inspiring others through genuine connections. In this enlightening webinar, we will explore the core principles and practices of authentic leadership, equipping you with actionable strategies to become a more authentic and impactful leader.Key topics covered include:Understandi..

Lags, Leads, Constraints, and Calendars in CPM Networks

 August 19 2024
 03 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Lags, Leads, Constraints, and Calendars in CPM Networks

We start with an introduction to types of lags and leads in CPM (Critical Path Method) schedules and the impact of each type on activities and project dates. We go through tips to simplify and minimize the number of lags.Later we discuss types of constraints and calendars and their impact on activities dates and on the entire project.We conclude with general tips and recommendations.Areas Covered Introducti..

Design Planning, Design History Files and Design Reviews

 August 20 2024
 11 : 00 AM EST    
 60 Minutes
Design Planning, Design History Files and Design Reviews

Design planning, use and maintenance of design history files and periodic design reviews are crucial and integral parts of design control. All development projects in the medical device space will start with design planning. Without robust planning, it is not possible to keep track of everything that is needed during the development of a medical device. The planning stage and process will lay out and define..

Excel Charts

 August 20 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Excel Charts

Excel charts are visual representations of data created within Microsoft Excel. They allow users to present data in a graphical format, making it easier to analyze and interpret trends, patterns, and relationships. Excel offers a variety of chart types that can be customized to suit different data visualization needs. Some common types of Excel charts include: Column Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart,..

FATCA – What You Need to Know?

 August 20 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
FATCA – What You Need to Know?

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is a federal law designed to combat offshore tax evasion by requiring individuals to report their financial accounts held outside of the United States and foreign financial institutions to report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about their American clients.Areas Covered This webinar addresses the requirements of  FATCA and its impact on the reporting..

Managing a Construction Audit

 August 20 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Managing a Construction Audit

Managing a construction audit requires a unique approach due to the complexities inherent in construction projects. Unlike other audits, such as financial audits or compliance audits, construction audits involve evaluating a wide range of factors specific to the construction industry, including project management, contractual agreements, change orders, materials management, and regulatory compliance. In thi..

High Performance Coaching for Managers

 August 21 2024
 03 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
High Performance Coaching for Managers

Coaching has grown to be highly popular. Many individuals, business owners, or organization managers find themselves needing a helping hand or find themselves thrust in the role of offering advice to others. That is especially true of managers who, while conducting performance reviews, may find a need to provide specific feedback and advice about what to do to improve job performance to those individual emp..

Nudging Bias – Improving Awareness of our Unconscious and Conscious Biases and Tricks for Disrupting Them

 August 21 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Nudging Bias – Improving Awareness of our Unconscious and Conscious Biases and Tricks for Disrupting Them

There are over 150 types of biases, both conscious and unconscious. While some of us are self-aware and understand the depth and breadth of our biases, many of us could improve our level of awareness, particularly in relation to our unconscious biases. Unconscious bias refers to a person's attitude or beliefs about others that happen without the person being aware of it. In the workplace, these subconscious..

Quality for a Sustainable Future

 August 21 2024
 11 : 30 AM EST    
 60 Minutes
Quality for a Sustainable Future

As an introduction we point out how important sustainability is for the planet as a whole and how companies will be faced with increasing demands on their impact on society, in all aspects of the term. We also give a brief overview of how sustainability has been wrongly tackled in the past. Surprisingly there is still very little knowledge on the basics of sustainability, so to set the scene we will start w..

Bipolar in the Workplace under ADA and FMLA

 August 22 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Bipolar in the Workplace under ADA and FMLA

We will discuss ways that employers can assist their employees with mental illness to ensure that mental illness is not getting in the way of your employee being one of the best of your employees. This can go beyond employee assistance programs. And, of course, you may have legal obligations under either the Family and Medical Leave Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Areas Covered Understandi..

Showing 46 to 60 of 317 (22 Pages)