Live Webinar

Change Management: The Process To Enhancing Production in Your Business

 August 22 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Change Management: The Process To Enhancing Production in Your Business

In this session, we'll delve into the intricacies of change management, exploring proven processes and techniques for implementing organizational changes smoothly and efficiently. From identifying the need for change to gaining buy-in from stakeholders and managing resistance, this talk offers practical insights to help leaders and managers navigate the complexities of change with confidence. Whether you're..

Identifying and Addressing Bribery and Corruption Red Flags

 August 22 2024
 11 : 30 AM EST    
 90 Minutes
Identifying and Addressing Bribery and Corruption Red Flags

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense, undertaken by a person, or an organization entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illegal benefits or abuse power for one's private gain. Corruption may involve many activities, which include bribery and embezzlement, and it may also involve practices which are still legal in many countries.Political corruption occurs when an off..

Medical Device Standards – Deeper Diver

 August 22 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Medical Device Standards – Deeper Diver

This event will help you to learn how the standards are developed, who engages, and key steps in the process. You will hear about the Governance Structure of standards-developing organizations including the committee. You will learn about the important roles and responsibilities of standards development.     Areas Covered Steps and Parties engaged in Standards development New Work Item P..

Understanding Housing

 August 22 2024
 02 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Understanding Housing

This course will cover the definitions of different types of housing as classified by the government and reported in government statistics.The Data: - Single-family housing vs. multifamily housing - Housing permits vs. housing starts—what they measure? - New home sales vs. existing home sales - Housing pricesWhat factors drive housing demand?What factors drive housing supply?How to estim..

Calculating Activities Durations for the CPM Schedule

 August 23 2024
 03 : 00 PM EST    
 75 Minutes
Calculating Activities Durations for the CPM Schedule

We start with an introduction to estimating or calculating the durations of the schedule’s activities. We discuss the work production rate and its relationship to both unit price and activity duration. We briefly cover factors that influence crew productivity such as weather, design complexity, and labor skill level. We give a few examples of adjusting productivity based on project conditions. We then show ..

Legal Compliance Beyond the Handbook: Crafting Tailored Policies for Success

 August 23 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Legal Compliance Beyond the Handbook: Crafting Tailored Policies for Success

Crafting tailored policies goes beyond the generic provisions found in employee handbooks. This session delves into the intricacies of legal compliance, providing a comprehensive guide to developing policies that align with organizational goals. Topics include understanding legal requirements, tailoring policies to specific industry needs, and creating a framework for ongoing policy evaluation and adaptatio..

New Overtime Regulations

 August 23 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
New Overtime Regulations

Overtime and minimum wage have been a hot topic for the last several years, legislation almost went into in effect in 2017 but was stopped by several states coming forward with legal action. But new legislation was released on April 23, 2024, that have updates beginning as soon as July 1, 2024 to the salary thresholds put employers into the situation to make some key decisions on how to handle there exempt ..

Why Using Manual Lab Data Management And Excel Is Bad For Your Organization?

 August 23 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Why Using Manual Lab Data Management And Excel Is Bad For Your Organization?

This webinar will uncover the reasons why manual paper or spread sheets can impede your Lab’s operational efficiency and cost you more money in the long term.Discover how to improve data handling and improve its integrity to allow better quality control with full audit capability.Gain insights into how a LIMS can overcome the shortcomings of manual/spreadsheet systems, by managing your data much more effect..

Predictive Accounting: Driver-Based Budgeting and Rolling Financial Forecasts

 August 26 2024
 12 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Predictive Accounting: Driver-Based Budgeting and Rolling Financial Forecasts

This presentation involves the shift from historical reporting to predictive costing such as capacity-sensitive driver-based rolling financial forecasts, what-if analysis, marginal cost analysis (e.g pricing), and target costing for new products and services.The annual budgeting process is being criticized as obsolete soon after it is published, prone to gamesmanship, cumbersome to consolidate cost center s..

Raise Your In-Q: Fuel Breakthrough Ideas with ‘Innovation Intelligence’

 August 26 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Raise Your In-Q: Fuel Breakthrough Ideas with ‘Innovation Intelligence’

Organizations that focus on routine daily work at the expense of innovation may find themselves falling behind their more adventurous peers. The pitfalls of not innovating can have significant consequences including: Stagnation: Without innovation, industries and businesses can stagnate, becoming less competitive over time. Loss of Competitive Edge: In today's fast-paced world, failing to innovate means fal..

Regression analysis using Excel

 August 26 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Regression analysis using Excel

This workshop is an introduction to performing and interpreting regression analysis, even if Excel isn’t your primary statistical software package. This workshop provides step-by-step instructions for using Excel to perform single and multiple regression analysis. It also shows you how to specify the model case studies.This workshop is an introduction to performing and interpreting regression analysis, even..

Succession Planning

 August 26 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Succession Planning

Succession planning is a critical process for organizations to ensure continuity and preparedness for leadership transitions. This session will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of succession planning, its importance, and key strategies for implementation.A successful succession plan helps to not only pave the way for new, and upcoming leaders but also ensures that the resident expert(..

Labor Relations Survival Crash Course

 August 27 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Labor Relations Survival Crash Course

Attendees will have the opportunity to widen their skill set enough to be able to hit the ground running to meet the challenges of most labor-management environments. Among the areas to be explored will be the groundwork and guidelines for positive labor-management relationships along with an examination of the roles of the Union and its representatives/Stewards as well as the management side of the equatio..

Outsourcing Software development for Medical Devices

 August 27 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Outsourcing Software development for Medical Devices

Many companies do not want to invest in building a software team and outsource the software development efforts for their medical device.  Selecting the right development company can make or break your project. Even after selecting your partner, you still need to manage them. We’ll give a high-level overview of the software development process and what you need to know in order to ensure your software ..

Strengthening Maturity and Right Behavior Harmlessly

 August 27 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Strengthening Maturity and Right Behavior Harmlessly

Challenged by poor behavior in others, at work, at home, in school, or in society? Tired of harshness AND permissiveness as the only conventional choices in reaction to it? Consider: What do I do, think, and say when people annoy and irritate me, anger and provoke me, shock and hurt me, cause me to worry or pity them, or insult and invalidate me? Am looking for ways to gain cooperation with adults and child..

Showing 61 to 75 of 317 (22 Pages)