Live Webinar

What is Section 301 De Minimis? – Controversies and Possibilities

 July 26 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
What is Section 301 De Minimis? – Controversies and Possibilities

This webinar will provide a comprehensive discussion of the history and policy behind the de minimis provision; the opportunities and challenges associated with the de minimis provision; and various proposals to improve or restrict the provision.Areas Covered The webinar will coverBackground, history, and policy behind the de minimis provision under Sec. 321 of the Tariff Act of 193Details of the language i..

Creating A Culture Of Trust: Understanding Others Before Being Understood

 July 29 2024
 03 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Creating A Culture Of Trust: Understanding Others Before Being Understood

Trust is at the very core of sound business relationships. Intrinsic to trust is the expectation that all will act in a way that is mutually beneficial, meaning that trust is a critical component of effective leadership. Trust breeds stronger working relationships and a healthier organizational culture.Areas CoveredCreating a culture of trust: Where does it start?Extending your trust to othersBeing an appro..

Fringe Benefits – How To Keep A Happy Workforce While Not Incurring Unnecessary Payroll And Income Tax Expense

 July 29 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 75 Minutes
Fringe Benefits – How To Keep A Happy Workforce While Not Incurring Unnecessary Payroll And Income Tax Expense

There are lots of ways to reward workers other than wages. Smart businesses understand the two-way importance of helping employees out with things like education, commute help, health and wellness, etc. The IRS also recognizes the economically stabilizing results of fringe benefits. They have categorized the many different types of benefits and set limits on which the value does not have to be t..

Management Accounting and the Cost of Quality

 July 30 2024
 12: 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Management Accounting and the Cost of Quality

Managing quality is an imperative for any organization to remain competitive. Measurements of quality are essential, however supplementing that information with financial information further adds to success in managing quality.Ultimately the language of money is what executives and managers rely on to make better decisions.Unfortunately, most financial reporting neglects to report quality information such a..

Trauma Awareness In The Workplace

 July 30 2024
 11 : 00 AM EST    
 60 Minutes
Trauma Awareness In The Workplace

This is essential information to understand to work well within a team environment. The opportunity for an organization to prove a workplace experience where everyone can show up as their best self and leave in a healthy happy not stressed state is key to having a supportive environment. In an effort to do this, we have to understand how to inspire those to work well together by understanding and respecting..

Establishing Appropriate Quality Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

 July 31 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Establishing Appropriate Quality Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Establishing appropriate Quality Assurance metrics is important for several reasons. Metrics not only measure the health of your quality system, they have the ability to change behavior, drive quality culture, and improve both individual and company performance. This course will discuss the importance of establishing metrics, how to distinguish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), as well as, how to utilize t..

LIMS System Validation and Compliance Issues For Regulated Labs

 July 31 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
LIMS System Validation and Compliance Issues For Regulated Labs

The webinar covers the validation of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which can be essential for regulatory compliance. The webinar will cover over a dozen key steps in achieving compliance. The process includes defining operational requirements in a User Requirements Specification (URS), assessing supplier quality systems, and developing Functional Specifications (FS). Risk assessment gu..

Lookup functions and 3-D Excel file

 July 31 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Lookup functions and 3-D Excel file

Lookup tables are a good way to search for information and to return specific data relating to the information you introduce or look for. The Lookup function is a quick way to find the information one needs, and is particularly efficient when dealing with large databases that would be extremely time-consuming to search manually. So far, most spreadsheets people deal with use models with rows and columns onl..

Psychological Safety in the Boardroom

 August 01 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
Psychological Safety in the Boardroom

The purpose of this session is to provide an appreciation of why psychological safety is such an important element in the modern boardroom. We will see why it can truly make a difference by understanding why it truly matters and what the benefits are. We define psychological safety and dispel some notions about what it is and what it is not, and assess its relationship to the boardroom and how a culture of ..

Three Key Misconceptions of Data Quality

 August 01 2024
 12 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Three Key Misconceptions of Data Quality

Today many corporate boards and executives understand the importance of data for improved business performance. However, most of the data in enterprises is of poor quality. According to a report in Harvard Business Review, just 3% of the data in a business enterprise meets quality standards. However, there are many myths associated with realizing data quality and this is creating misconceptions on data qual..

Fraud - What IRS Looks for and How You Should Avoid It?

 August 02 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Fraud - What IRS Looks for and How You Should Avoid It?

A former IRS Revenue Officer and Fraud Technical Advisor describes what indicators IRS employees look for as evidence of various tax crimes and how practitioners should be aware of those same indicators so they can get the problem fixed before IRS finds it, prevent the client from committing fraud in the first place or recognize when it is in their best interest to disengage if the client won’t cooperate. A..

COTS, Cloud, and SaaS Systems and FDA Validation Compliance

 August 05 2024
 03 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
COTS, Cloud, and SaaS Systems and FDA Validation Compliance

“How can we perform an Installation Qualification (IQ) when the server is completely under the control of a vendor?”“How do we know the vendor will be able to manage security, backups, disaster recovery, and other aspects required to ensure data is collected and maintained with integrity?”“What about change control?”“How will we handle compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, FDA’s guidance for electronic records an..

Effective Communication in the Workplace: Ensuring Clarity, Transparency, and Collaboration

 August 05 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 60 Minutes
Effective Communication in the Workplace: Ensuring Clarity, Transparency, and Collaboration

Think about it: How much time gets wasted because someone misinterpreted an email? How many projects stalled because the team wasn't on the same page? Strong communication is the lifeblood of any successful workplace. It fosters trust, boosts collaboration, and keeps those projects humming along like a well-oiled machine.But communication isn't just about avoiding misunderstandings (although that's a pretty..

New NACHA Operating Rules Changes for 2026

 August 05 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 90 Minutes
New NACHA Operating Rules Changes for 2026

Each participant in the ACH Network is required to follow the NACHA, Operating Rules and be compliant, even when it pertains to Risk.  Effective March 20, 2026 – Phase 1 for Risk Management (part of a larger package) to help reduce the incidence of successful fraud attempts and improve recovery of funds:Fraud Monitoring by Originators, Third-Party Service Providers/Third Party Senders and ODFIs,  ..

Cost Reduction Approaches In Purchasing

 August 06 2024
 01 : 00 PM EST    
 75 Minutes
Cost Reduction Approaches In Purchasing

There are new roles that require a thorough understanding of functional interrelationships if you are to succeed.This program identifies the elements needed to provide a business with the best materials and/or services. Understand how to bring together the concepts with Suppliers, and the new relationships necessary to ensure success. The presentation will show how to establish clear, mutually acceptable go..

Showing -14 to 0 of 317 (22 Pages)