Speaker Profile
Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, writer, and "Motivational Psychohumorist" ™, is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative. Leadership Coach/Webinar Training Consultant and clinical therapist for Inner City Family Services, Washington, DC. Cross-Cultural Diversity Training Speaker/Consultant for numerous Federal Agencies. A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army. Presently Mark does Cross-Cultural Facilitation and Presentations for organizational/corporate clients of HR Consulting Firm PRM. The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a High-Tech World. Mark’s award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – www.stressdoc.com – was called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).

Mark Gorkin
March 12 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Effective and Empathic Communication Tools and Techniques for Managers and Supervisors: Engaging Employees in Times of Change and Uncertainty
We live in a wired, 24/7 world that's often cycling between "do more with less" or "LEAN-and-MEAN" reorganizing and ever faster upgrading while demanding higher levels of transparency and accountability. And these days, especially, it can feel like we are spinning scarily out of control. Today, it's less a matter of "downsizing" or "rightsizing" than it is of sheer "rightsizing!" Not surprisingly, managing ..

Mark Gorkin
April 15 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Leading through Emotional (EQ) and Humor (HQ) Intelligence: The Art of Higher Power Humor ™
Increasingly, the best leaders are recognizing that Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is critical for communicating and engaging with employees. However, in today's TNT– Time-Numbers-Technology – Driven and Distracted World, to truly connect and inspire, leaders also need to tap into a novel intelligence source – Humor Intelligence (HQ). And when combined with Emotional Intelligence, you have discovered The Stres..

Mark Gorkin
May 13 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Recovering Your Authentic, Passionate, and Risk-Taking Self: The Inner Child-Creative Professional Journey
Many folks have understandably focused on work and/or family achievement to generate a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. And for a period of time this may suffice, as all the demands of the outside world keep us scrambling. Sometimes we do reach a state of intentional focus and purpose, but then, once again, we go adrift, get distracted, maybe even caught up in an addiction. And, especially during qui..

Mark Gorkin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Embrace Your Essence: The Transformative Journey Within
Do you ever find yourself caught in a cycle of repeating the same mistakes, hindering your relationships, obstructing your professional aspirations, or striving for unattainable perfection? Is the fear of exposure your constant companion, causing you to procrastinate or shy away from new challenges? Perhaps you struggle to set boundaries and say no, always prioritizing others' needs. Conversely, you might f..

Mark Gorkin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Leadership: The Art of Knowing How to Say It and Engage It
In a TNT(Time-Numbers-Technology) Driven and Distracted World, as a leader, focusing and holding people’s attention is critical. More than ever, it’s not what you say but how you say it, in a manner that directs and engages, if not captivates. And can you do this without always playing the authority trump card? Which leads to two vital questions: Are You Being Heard or Just Making Noise? Do you exercise the..

Mark Gorkin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Stress, Change and Team Resilience through Humor: An Interactive Playshop
In a 24/7 always-on, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology – Driven-Distracted World, filled with change and uncertainty, developing stress and change resilience skills and strategies is critical. Also vital is understanding the individual and organizational characteristics that facilitate burnout, as well as the burnout battlefront stages. Learn how a task and human touch team can be a vital buffer against burnout..

Mark Gorkin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Transforming Anger and Conflict into Collaborative Problem Solving: The Stress Doc’s Four Faces of Anger – Model and Method
Today’s always on, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology/Transition – Driven and Distracted World can breed tension and conflict. Discover the Four Angry “I”s and the Stress Doc’s “Four Faces of Anger” Model for transforming anger, rage, and conflict into productive dialogue and conflict resolution. Learn and practice skills and strategies for, 1) disarming power struggles by asking trust-building, “good questions”..

Mark Gorkin
Recorded Webinar
90 Minutes
Transforming Long-Distance Isolation and In-Office Anxiety: Creatively Designing a Hi-Tech and Human Touch Work Space
Must distance workers be isolated workers? According to recent organizational productivity surveys, the dramatic expansion of teleworking is causing isolation for distance employees. Whether being distracted on the Internet, not able to set up a daily work structure and routine, no “water cooler conversation” for a break or collegial inspiration, not to mention demands of family life for some of these telew..

Mark Gorkin
Recorded Webinar
90 Minutes
Transforming Remote Isolation and In-Office Anxiety: Designing a Hi-Tech and Human Touch Work Space/Culture
Must distance workers be isolated workers? According to recent organizational productivity surveys, the dramatic expansion of teleworking is causing isolation for distance employees. Whether being distracted on the Internet, not able to set up a daily work structure and routine, no “water cooler conversation” for a break, or collegial inspiration, not to mention the demands of family life for some of these ..