Leadership: The Art of Knowing How to Say It and Engage It
  • CODE : MGOR-0007
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is an acclaimed keynote speaker, webinar presenter, and "Motivational Psychohumorist” known for his Get FIT – FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking – programs for both government agencies and major corporations. In conjunction with Legal Estrin Staffing and Ijona Skills Academy, the Doc has led Stress Resilience/COVID-19 Webinars and an HR/Legal/Manager Support Groups, and continues to lead Stress & Team Resilience, Anger/Conflict Management, Diversity/Inclusion, and Team Building programs. Mark is also a part-time Psychotherapist for the Washington, DC mental health clinic, Inner City Family Services.  He has been a Stress/ Critical Incident Consultant for the Nepali Community and government agencies in the BWI area. He has run numerous Stress Resilience and Team Building Leadership Retreats for the US Army. Mark is definitely battle-tested as a former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service.  The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a Hi-Tech World. See his award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – www.stressdoc.com – called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).

In a TNT(Time-Numbers-Technology) Driven and Distracted World, as a leader, focusing and holding people’s attention is critical. More than ever, it’s not what you say but how you say it, in a manner that directs and engages, if not captivates. And can you do this without always playing the authority trump card? Which leads to two vital questions: Are You Being Heard or Just Making Noise? Do you exercise the Triple “A” of Personal and Organizational Responsibility: Authority, Autonomy and Accountability? And in a diverse workplace, do you create Accessibility? Have no fear Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, the Stress Doc ™ is here with this “Get FIT” – FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking – program!

Learn how to grab attention, listen actively-reflectively and ask “good questions,” and set vital boundaries with affirming yet trust-building tools. Become a more arousing leader and compelling communicator. Experience ways to create a more participatory team. And finally, discover why self-effacing, healing humor combined with shared stories is great way to reduce status differential and create an inclusive-intimate bond.

Areas Covered

  • Define and Differentiate being “Compelling” vs. “Captivating”
  • Discover the power of thought-provoking language and the art of surprise to quickly focus attention and involvement
  • Discover the Five “A”s of Arousing, Connecting and Energizing (ACE) Communication-Leadership: Attention-Anticipation-Animation-Activation-Actualization
  • Discover the Stress Doc’s New KISS (Keep It Short and Smart) and Memorable MISS (Make It Sassy and Surprising) and other attention-grabbing, listening and questioning (CPRS), and affirming yet trust-building tools
  • Discover and bring to life the Doc’s Passion Power Model and Method (including the Higher Power of Humor); transform the “Intimate FOE” through story-telling
  • Discover “Ten Keys for Inclusive and Participatory Teaming”

Who Should Attend

Individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole benefit when you have high task and human touch communicators. These head and heart communicators not only know how to dynamically present ideas but, most important, encourage diverse and collaborative “Helmet’s Off” – engagement and problem-solving. Systems become more creative and interactive communities when leaders know how to “say it and engage it".

Why Should Attend

This webinar is for all individuals who wish to deliver leadership substance and style that connects with, motivates, and even inspires a diverse workplace. In a world that’s always on and constantly being distracted, one can easily lose touch with your employees. To sustain attention, performance focus, and team morale a leader must engage the head and the heart, high-task and human touch. He or she must know how to be “TnT – Tough and Tender,” to be authentic, vulnerable, and fearless. It is also for those desiring tools and techniques for being high impact-communicators whether at a team or all-hands meeting, in a boardroom or at a conference.

  • $200.00

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