Speaker Profile
President, QAS, (Quality Assurance Strategies, LLC), private consultation for the Food and Beverage Industry specializing in Global Food Safety and Quality with expertise in Regulatory Compliance, Prop 65, Business Integration and Due Diligence. Formerly, Vice President, Food Safety (Officer), Weston Foods (WF), a GWL Canadian company and North American leader in bakery products. Transformed organization toward World Class Excellence for Food Safety within four years by framing Food Safety Roadmap Strategy. This included fast-tracking to FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act), SFCA (Safe Foods for Canadian Act) and new NLEA (Nutrition Labeling Education Act) for US and Canada compliance. Over 25+ years of food safety and quality experience, after holding successive senior positions with Colgate-Palmolive, Coca-Cola, Bestfoods NA, Unilever, YUM! Brands and Quiznos (Board). Prior to joining Weston Foods, held the position of Quality Director with Mondelez International (formerly Kraft Foods) in Europe, (Zurich, Switzerland) and Cadbury as QA Chocolate Director (Quality, Environmental, and Health & Safety) for NA/Europe/Global.

2019 Safe Food For Canadians Regulations
The new standards will be covered in this session encapsulating everything industry needs to know on launching the SFCR.Understanding SFCR and HistoryLicensingPreventative ControlsImportingExportingPortal Overview and ResourcesCompliance Timelines for ImplementationNew Food Safety Regulation to process, import or export foods.Learning ObjectivesBackground on SFCRGuidance ResourcesProvincial TradingForeign S..

2020 Safe Food for Canadians Regulations
Safe Food for Canadians Regulation (SFCR) kicked off January 2019 after several long gazette comment periods by the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency). This session delivers a broad overview of the standard and covers resources for compliance. Under this regulation, many food companies are now required to register for a license, with many aspects mimicking the new FDA FSMA requirements. The new portal, ..

Allergen Cleaning, Validation & Preventative Risk Management
Allergens are now a Class I Recall by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration), considered an adulterant in foods. It is the largest area for recalls in the US and growing at a staggering rate. Anyone wanting to know how to approach, improve or review their Allergen Management Program should participant to understand the latest information for Best Practice preventative controls. Important elements will inc..

Horizon Planning on Emerging Issues on Prop 65
The Food Industry has also been subject to Prop 65 legal battles on a host of products from French fries, chocolate, coffee, bakery products, candy and baby food that may now require warning labels or other actions to mitigate safety concerns for the public. This course will provide an overview of how to navigate Prop 65 with a Preventative Control Program approach. Highlights will include Preventative Cont..

Navigating California Prop 65 Incorporating FSMA Preventative Controls, Best Practice Approach
Highlights will include an intro to Preventative Controls, leading into minimal recommended preparation steps for handling Prop 65 requirements, what’s needed to incorporate in your food Safety Plan, focus on hazards or Hazard Analysis Risk Preventative Controls (HARPC), Supply chain Preventative Controls and importance of compliance on Safe Harbor Limits.Areas Covered Details will includ..

Navigating FSMA-Preventative Controls and Key Essentials for Food Safety Plans
Overview of FDA FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act), a rule which became effective in September 2016 for the food industry. The new regulations have shifted from a reactive FDA focused primarily on GMP’s (Good Manufacturing Practices) to a preventative approach placing responsibility on the food industry to mitigate their potential hazard risks for foods. Highlights will include an intr..

New National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Act (GMO Food Labeling)
The new rule is highly anticipated by industry and will hopefully bring clarity to the long-standing GMO questions, cover financial and risk impact to businesses as well as helping consumers with educated food choices based on science, in short session encapsulates everything industry needs to know on launching the (NBFDSA).Learning Objectives Background on US GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) LabelingBas..

Preventative Controls Approach for California’s Prop 65 for Food Industry
California’s Prop 65 enacted to inform its’ residents and workers the hazards associated chemicals and toxins that may cause harm has ballooned to over 900+ items, that industries must be aware of to operate within the state. The Food Industry has also been subject to Prop 65 legal battles on a host of products including French fries, chocolate, coffee, bakery products, candy and baby food that may now requ..

US National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Act (GMO Labeling)
The new rule was highly anticipated by industry and will hopefully bring clarity to the long-standing GMO questions, cover financial and risk impact to businesses as well as helping consumers with educated food choices based on science, in short session encapsulates everything industry needs to know on launching the NBFDSA.Areas Covered Background on US GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) LabelingBasi..

What to Expect with the New FSMA Internal Adulteration Regulation
IA establishes requirements to prevent or significantly minimize acts intended to cause wide-scale public health harm. The session will explain coverage, summarize requirements for facilities that manufacture, process, pack or hold human food. Also, exemptions will be discussed as well as best practice approaches and Food Defense Qualified Individual detail.Areas Covered Food defense plan..