Speaker Profile
Don Phin is a California employment law attorney. Since leaving his litigation practice more than twenty years ago, he has consulted with hundreds of companies to help improve their employment practices. He has presented in person over 600 times to CEOs, HR, and other executives on what works in leadership and employee relations. Don has written numerous books. The latest book is The 40| |40 Solution: Mastering the Emotional Energy of Leadership and Sales. Don built HRThatWorks, an online HR compliance and strategy program, used by 3,500 companies and sold to ThinkHR in 2014. In addition to consulting and speaking, Don does executive coaching and workplace investigations. Streetwise from the Bronx (you can still hear the accent), Don moved to San Diego when he was 20 to work on a Tuna boat and never came back. Today Don lives in sunny Coronado, California.
Don Phin
September 11 2024
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
What HR Must Know About Protecting Confidential Information?
There is no doubt that people on the outside and inside of your company are looking to access critical confidential information. Some people simply mishandle and expose it. Failure to protect this information can result in lost customers and clients, regulatory fines, lawsuits, brand damage, and more. HR professionals and other managers are privy to salaries, financial information, health insurance informat..
Don Phin
October 23 2024
01 : 00 PM EST
90 Minutes
New Manager Training
Becoming a new manager is both exciting and scary. You were most likely promoted because you had an excellent skill set and showed leadership potential. But since this is new territory for you, there is much to be learned. You will have to move from co-worker to boss. You will have to learn how to motivate people and have difficult conversations. In this fast-moving program, attorney, consultant, and coach ..
Don Phin
November 13 2024
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Marijuana: Compliance and Safety in the Workplace
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), studies suggest specific links between marijuana use and adverse consequences in the workplace, such as the increased risk of injury or accidents. One study among postal workers found that employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent grea..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Change Management that Works
How will you be prepared for the change guaranteed to come your way? Successful companies and people learn how to adapt to changing circumstances. They don’t just react to change, they drive it!Most people don’t like change and can either purposefully or subconsciously resist it. The result is lowered productivity, turnover, and way too much unnecessary drama.In this fast-moving presentation, Don will help ..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Coaching at Work- Improving Employee Engagement and Performance
In this fast-moving presentation, HR, engagement, and coaching expert, Don Phin, will share with you strategies and tools to help you and your managers step up their engagement and performance management games by learning how to coach their direct reports. Coaching helps for a myriad of reasons. The best managers and employees want to improve their ability to engage everyone from board members to the rank a..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Creating Employee Handbooks that Protect You and Support the Company’s Culture
The #metoo movement made it very clear that your employee handbook needs to show employees how to behave and what procedures must be followed when they don’t. Your handbooks must be legally compliant, and there are clear solutions to getting there. What’s exciting is those handbooks can also play a role in defining company culture! Do your employees want to read your handbook? Is it interesting? Attractive?..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Employee Engagement that Works
The lack of engagement dampens an employee’s "discretionary effort", with huge consequences including poor performance, turnover, customer dissatisfaction, brand damage, and lawsuits. All of which impact company culture and the bottom line.Today’s remote and hybrid work arrangements, coupled with the accelerating rate of change, are constantly challenging the engagement effort. In this fast-moving program, ..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
90 Minutes
Hiring and Retaining in this Crazy Economy
Don has delivered this presentation to dozens of CEO and HR groups in the past few months. Employers are faced with The Great Resignation and The Great Quit, placing their companies and existing employees under enormous pressures. Since hiring and retention are closely related challenges, they are addressed together in this fast-moving presentation. Areas Covered How to decide who to hireEmployee referrals ..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Investigations that Work
How a company manages a workplace investigation affects its legal exposures, corporate culture, and brand. That investigation may involve a claim of sexual harassment, suspicion of theft, or a threat made against another employee. The failure to properly investigate can lead to lawsuits, brand damage, and ruined reputations. Don has been an employment law attorney for more than 40 years and has investigated..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Marijuana in the Workplace
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), studies suggest specific links between marijuana use and adverse consequences in the workplace, such as the increased risk of injury or accidents. One study among postal workers found that employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent grea..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Mastering the Emotional Energy of Great HR/Leadership/Sales
It’s hard to ignore today’s conversation around emotional intelligence. Studies show it is far more important to leadership success than having a high IQ. The term “emotional intelligence” implies the answer lies in the frontal lobe of the brain. It implies we can think our way through all our problems. Let me ask you this: when two people are yelling at each other in the hallway, meeting room, or customer ..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
New Management Training
Becoming a new manager is both exciting and scary. You were most likely promoted because you had an excellent skillset and showed leadership potential. But since this is new territory for you, there is much to be learned.In this fast-moving program, attorney, consultant, and coach Don Phin will help guide you with insight strategies and tools so you can become a great manager.Areas Covered Why did you say y..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Now that I’ve Got Them, How Do I Keep Them?
Employee Turnover is an expensive problem. Coupled with the difficulty in hiring, turnover is putting additional pressure on existing employees and managers. It limits growth opportunities, causes stress, morale problems, customer dissatisfaction, and brand damage.Compensation challenges, the demand for job flexibility, an unwillingness to “come to work”, cost of living, and other factors are driving the tu..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Onboarding that Drives Productivity, Teamwork, and Retention
How’s this for a fact: half of all employees are onboarded better than the other half! And then there are the companies in the top 10%. The Great Ones. The bottom line of every company is impacted by employee engagement and productivity both of which are directly impacted by the onboarding experience. In this fast-moving session, the Speaker will provide the latest in onboarding strategies and tools. All em..
Don Phin
Recorded Webinar
120 Minutes
The Great Manager Program
The quality of a company’s management and supervision team goes a long way to defining that company’s culture and its bottom line. When companies have untrained managers, they are relying solely on that person’s innate ability to manage. Not surprisingly, half of those managers will do a better job than the other half.Training your managers has a leveraged impact depending in part on how many people they ma..