Generic Webinars

Accounting for Managers

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Accounting for Managers

Managers need to assess the financial health of their department and also submit budgets. This requires a basic knowledge of accounting and budgeting. Most managers (especially first-time managers) lack this knowledge and are forced to learn it on the fly. The Accounting EquationUnderstanding the Profit/Loss Statement and Balance SheetBank ReconciliationsAccounting SoftwareBudgeting BasicsFixed vs Variable ..

Addressing Odors and Hygiene Problems in the Workplace: Legal and Practical Tips and Traps

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Addressing Odors and Hygiene Problems in the Workplace: Legal and Practical Tips and Traps

Few situations are as uncomfortable for an employer as dealing with workplace hygiene issues. Poor hygiene can have a negative effect on clients, customers, and co-workers. It is important for an employer to respond appropriately when presented with these situations.Good hygiene practices in the workplace are vital for every worker, in any business. And it’s not only about making the right impression, that’..

Advanced Project Management tips and best practices for Human Resource Professionals

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Advanced Project Management tips and best practices for Human Resource Professionals

Refine your organizational skills to keep your projects on time, on budget, and target. You've learned the basic techniques of project management. You've mastered the planning, executing, reviewing, and revising skills making the difference between success and absolute failure. You are good at getting the different players and stakeholders to provide information or direction and to show up for important mil..

All About Civility - Eliminating a Culture of Gossip, Rumors and Destructive Behavior - Whatever Happened to Respect?

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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All About Civility - Eliminating a Culture of Gossip, Rumors and Destructive Behavior - Whatever Happened to Respect?

Bad attitudes, jealousy, and disruptive behaviour will sabotage workplace morale, lower self-esteem, and reduce teamwork and productivity. When toxic behaviour infects an organization at any level, managers may be tempted to ignore it or give in, the wrong thing to do, but tolerating it is not a solution!This session will show you how to neutralize gossip and put a system in place to ensure it does not re-o..

Analytics-Based Enterprise Performance Management

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Analytics-Based Enterprise Performance Management

Many organizations are far from where they want and need to be with improving performance, and they apply intuition, rather than hard data when making decisions. Enterprise performance management (EPM) is now viewed as the seamless integration of managerial methods such as strategy execution with a strategy map and its companion balanced scorecard (KPIs) and operational dashboards (PIs); enterprise risk man..

Appreciative Inquiry: Asking Game-Changing Questions

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Appreciative Inquiry: Asking Game-Changing Questions

Most people don’t realize the power of language and the effects of appreciative questions. In this webinar, participants learn about and practice Appreciative Inquiry (AI), an impactful alternative to traditional problem-solving, innovation, and co-creation. Appreciative Inquiry is a proven method for use in meetings, to overcome challenges, resolve challenges, and achieve goals. Participants learn to draw ..

Assertive Communication for Introverts - Speak up! How to be Heard at Work

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Assertive Communication for Introverts - Speak up! How to be Heard at Work

The ultimate definition of assertiveness is being able to express your thoughts and feelings clearly while being considerate of the other person’s needs. Many introverts have great difficulty articulating their needs and desires because they aren’t clear on what they are. In order to be heard over the noise, you have to first trust in the fact that you have something valuable to contribute to the conversati..

Audience-Driven Marketing

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Audience-Driven Marketing

Welcome to the world of Audience-Driven Marketing, where the constantly evolving landscape meets the power of understanding your audience like never before. In a marketing environment characterized by information overload, digital innovation, and changing consumer behaviours, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. Our webinar, "Audience-Driven Marketing," is your compass in navigating this dyn..

Auditing for Internal Fraud

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Auditing for Internal Fraud

This webinar explores techniques used by Auditors, Accountants, Compliance Officers, HR and Fraud Examiners in the detection of internal  fraud.  It is designed to provide the participants with an in-depth knowledge and experience of:   Examining data and records to detect and trace fraudulent transactions Interviewing suspects to obtain information and confessionsUnderstanding the underlying..

Ballet Lessons for Leaders

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Ballet Lessons for Leaders

In this webinar, you will be guided through a ballet lesson. You’ll learn about the flow and discipline of movement, which is essential not only in dancing but especially in high levels of leadership.Extraordinary and inspirational leadership requires momentum, movement, and the ability to fine-tune. All of this needs daily training - simple daily disciplines so that you are ready for moments of peak perfor..

Become an Excellent Critical Thinker to Greatly Improve your Business Success

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Become an Excellent Critical Thinker to Greatly Improve your Business Success

Thinking critically is an integral component of the skill sets needed by managers, supervisors and team members. A focus will be on how critical thinking can be applied to your most important workplace issues and challenges.We will cover the core elements of critical thinking and introduce you to systematic process to use for getting your best results This approach will help participants identify how differ..

Best Practices for Delivering Effective Feedback

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Best Practices for Delivering Effective Feedback

This session will outline and more importantly, implement the elements of effective delivery and acceptance of feedback in any environment. It will answer the questions of how to handle the mixed messages sometimes communicated in interactions, and how we can get clearer messages from others. It will also outline the steps involved in executing effective feedback in order to achieve desired results in an in..

Beyond Work-Life Balance: How To Win At Work And In Life, Without Pulling Out Your Hair!

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Beyond Work-Life Balance: How To Win At Work And In Life, Without Pulling Out Your Hair!

Does work/life balance even exist?That is exactly what we are going to be exploring in this engaging and educating presentation. Far too many women especially are pulled in all different directions - and wear far too many hats. It becomes near impossible to be all the things to all the people, without experiencing copious - and unnecessary - amounts of stress and overwhelm.In this session, you will understa..

Brain Based Therapy for people with Anxiety

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Brain Based Therapy for people with Anxiety

The seminar will examine how outcomes are enhanced by using brain-based therapy approaches with people who have been plagued by auto-stress disorders. Just as people with autoimmune disorders suffer from attacks on their bodies by their own immune system, people with anxiety suffer attacks by the stress system on their mind/brain/body. Their anxiety becomes an auto-stress disorder wherein their own stress s..

Bridging Globalization, Technology And Diversity With Emotional Intelligence

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Bridging Globalization, Technology And Diversity With Emotional Intelligence

Change is happening at the speed of imagination, often causing high levels of confusion and strain on individuals and organizations. Today’s agile technologies and digital solutions must be mapped to equally agile workforce behaviors. All team members in every role must be able to both lead and follow dynamically as needs dictate, with confidence, no matter their title or tenure. In order to meet today’s re..

Showing 91 to 105 of 363 (25 Pages)