Leading with Change in the Modern Business Era - How To Incorporate Zen Principles into Leadership and Corporate Strategy
  • CODE : SLAM-0002
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Geo Slam is an internationally recognized Leadership Consultant, Keynote Speaker, and Executive Spiritual Coach.

He has been featured in Fortune Magazine, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, FOX, NBC, CBS, and USA Today for his accomplishments and empowers leaders to use Spiritual Intelligence, Modern Psychology, Enhanced Emotional Intelligence, and Neuroscience to build thriving cultures and winning teams.

Geo Slam holds Master Coach Certifications in both Spiritual and Mindset Life Coaching and has a unique ability to simplify complex Spiritual Principles into simple, step-by-step plans of action that are life-changing for leaders when infused and implemented in their personal lives and leadership styles to assist them in prioritizing goals and building thriving organizations.

Geo Slam states that his interest in Elite Level Coaching started when he attended - Tony Robbins Elite VIP Coaching Program a little more than a decade ago. 

Geo Slam has designed “Awakened Awareness,” a Unique, Customized 4-dimensional Comprehensive Spiritual Coaching Program for Elite Peak Performers, Celebrities, Business Executives and High-End Achievers.

Drawing inspiration from Steve Jobs' unique style and techniques, this 90-minute webinar explores the impactful leadership approach pioneered by Jobs and how Zen Principles can be integrated into effective corporate strategies. Participants will learn about Zen Leadership Techniques rooted in the principles of Zen Buddhism, including Mindfulness, Simplicity, and Intuition.

By cultivating a calm and focused state of mind, leaders can make more effective decisions and foster a positive work environment. This webinar aims to help modern business leaders enhance their leadership skills and reach the next level personally and professionally.

Areas Covered

  • Laying the groundwork for how Zen Principles can revolutionize contemporary leadership.
  • Zen Leadership and Its Impact: Exploring the influence of Zen on your strategic thinking and leadership efficacy.
  • Zen Philosophy in Leadership: Insights into the enduring wisdom of Zen and its practical benefits for leaders in high-stakes environments.
  • Zen Techniques for leaders with complex challenges and recuperating from high-stress scenarios
  • Strategic Decision-Making with Zen: How Zen can inform and improve the choices you make at the helm.
  • Zen for Work-Life Harmony: Strategies to achieve equilibrium in your professional and personal life without compromising on your ambitions.
  • Success Stories: Leaders and Innovators: Case studies of prominent figures and organizations that have harnessed Zen for transformative outcomes.

Course Level - Beginner To Intermediate.

Who Should Attend

How Will the "Leading with Change in the Modern Business Era" Webinar Affect Your Life?

Participating in this webinar will arm you with Zen technique skills, essential for leadership that is both dynamic and serene. You will gain insights that enhance your strategic vision, allowing you to lead with assurance and a grounded perspective.

The competencies you acquire will extend beyond the office, enriching your personal life, deepening connections, and equipping your overall well-being. Zen is more than a practice, it's an approach to life that can transform the very essence of how you lead and live!

Why Should You Attend

These days leaders confront moments of self-doubt, questioning their capacity to handle situations they are expected to manage with ease. Stress and the dread of not meeting expectations can stifle decision-making, leading to a detrimental cycle of hesitation and second-guessing.

Such a cycle can spiral into persistent stress, affecting both mental and physical health, and potentially culminating in burnout. Emotional turbulence can become a constant companion, leaving leaders feeling depleted, and their personal lives disrupted by the demands of their roles.

This webinar is meticulously crafted to arm you with a profound comprehension of Zen Principles and their practical application in your role as a contemporary leader.

Each segment is thoughtfully constructed to equip you with a complete set of Zen-based tools to infuse your leadership approach with calm, strategic insight.

This isn't solely about Zen as a philosophy. It's about adopting a “Holistic Leadership Framework” that integrates “Zen” as a fundamental skill, enabling leaders to manage the complexities of modern corporate leadership adeptly and to achieve a Work-Life Balance that doesn't compromise their Professional Success.

Topic Background

Why did visionaries like Steve Jobs incorporate Zen principles into their leadership?

Why do top-tier companies actively integrate mindfulness and Zen practices into their executive training programs?

The "Leading with Change in the Modern Business Era" webinar taps into the proven power of Zen. Zen Principles have been shown to enhance mental clarity, simplify complex situations, and promote intuitive decision-making.

These aren't abstract concepts, they are practical tools that address the very challenges V-Level, C-Level, and D-Level leaders face daily.

The webinar presentation is a transformative experience that builds upon each module and provides strategic insights for immediate implementation by executives.

By focusing on the unique pressures of executive leadership, the webinar ensures that every lesson has direct application to the participants' professional lives, fostering a leadership style that is as effective as it is enlightened.

  • $160.00

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