Proving & Pricing Subcontractor Delay Claims
James Zack is the Senior Advisor, Ankura Construction Forum™ – the construction industry’s global resource for thought leadership and best practices on avoidance and resolution of construction project disputes globally. Jim was a founder and former Executive Director of the Navigant Construction Forum™. Previously, Executive Director, Corporate Claims Management, Fluor Corporation; Vice President, PinnacleOne and Executive Director, PinnacleOne Institute; and Senior Construction Claims Consultant, CH2M HILL, Inc. With 47 years’ experience, he is a recognized expert in mitigation, analysis and resolution or defense of construction claims. A Fellow of AACE International. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and the Guild of Project Controls, Mr. Zack is a Certified Forensic Claims Consultant, a Certified Construction Manager, and a Project Management Professional as well as an internationally known author and speaker on construction claims.
Emily Federico, PSP
Federico is a Director in the Fairfield, CT and New York offices of
Navigant Consulting, Inc. Ms. Federico’s experience includes the
preparation and analysis of various schedule delays, acceleration, loss
of productivity and cost overruns claims. Tasks performed included the
Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule development and detailed analyses,
damage analyses, and issues analysis based on contemporaneous project
documents. Ms. Federico has also provided litigation support for
depositions of Navigant experts as well as cross-examination of
opposition, mediation presentations including her own, and preparing
Navigant’s expert for trial testimony in Federal Court. Ms. Federico’s
experience while at Navigant Consulting includes the following
construction project types: airports, retail shopping malls, bridges and
highways, schools and universities, condominiums, spent fuel power
plants, and wastewater treatment plants.
Much has been written over the years about proving and pricing contractor claims on construction projects. But little has been published about or presented on subcontractor delay claims. Do subcontractors have the same rights and remedies as the prime contractor? Are they held to the same standards? What are their legal rights? Do owners owe time extensions for subcontractor delays? Are prime contractors at risk when they “pass-through” subcontractor delay claims to an owner? Are subcontractors at risk when a prime contractor opts not to sponsor their delay claim to the owner? This webinar examines issues concerning subcontractor delay claims.
- In this program, attendees will learn the typical causes of subcontractor delay and impact claims
- Attendees will be exposed to contractual issues surrounding subcontractor delay claims
- The program will identify practical problems concerning subcontractor delay claims from the project owner’s viewpoint
- The program highlights problems facing General Contractors when they are asked to pass through subcontractor delay claims to owners
- The program discusses what damages may flow from subcontractor delay claims and the recoverability of such damages
- Attendees will learn the theories of recovery a subcontractor can employ when pursuing a delay claim against the General Contractor
Course Level : Intermediate to Advanced
Who Should Attend
- General Contractors – Project Managers & Executives
- Owners and their representatives
- Design professionals performing services during construction
- Construction managers
- Attorneys representing owners and contractors
Why Should You Attend
- Learn the value of pre-planning activities in such a manner as to avoid causing delay and impact to subcontractors
- As General Contractors, learn about the arguments subcontractors can use to pursue delay and impact claims
- Contractors become knowledgeable concerning the risks of sponsoring subcontractor delay claims to owners
- Subcontractors will learn the elements of proof necessary to successfully prosecute a delay and impact claim against a General Contractor
- Owners will gain insight into analysis of and /or defense against subcontractor delay claims passed through by their General Contractors