Data Modeling with DAX and Power Pivot
  • CODE : GEOM-0004
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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George Mount is the founder and CEO of Stringfest Analytics, a consulting firm specializing in analytics education and upskilling. He has worked with leading bootcamps, learning platforms and practice organizations to help individuals excel at analytics.

George regularly blogs and speaks on data analysis, data education and workforce development and is the author of Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R (O'Reilly Media, 2021). He is a recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for exceptional technical expertise and community advocacy in the field of Excel.

George holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Hillsdale College and master's degrees in finance and information systems from Case Western Reserve University. He resides in Cleveland, Ohio.

The upcoming webinar on Data Modeling with DAX and Power Pivot offers a deep dive into the transformative techniques of advanced data analysis within the Microsoft ecosystem. This session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to leverage Power Pivot and DAX—two pivotal tools that, when combined, provide unparalleled insights from complex data sets.

Power Pivot enhances Excel's capabilities, enabling the handling of massive volumes of data from diverse sources, and facilitating the creation of intricate data models. These models are crucial for analysts to reflect real-world data relationships accurately, serving as the foundation for any insightful analytical work. DAX, or Data Analysis Expressions, further extends these capabilities with its powerful formula language designed specifically for data modeling and analysis. Mastery of DAX allows for the execution of advanced calculations and analyses, including time intelligence and complex aggregations, which are pivotal in answering sophisticated business queries.

This webinar is not merely a technical session; it's an opportunity to understand how to transform raw data into meaningful narratives that can inform strategic business decisions. Participants will learn how to navigate the challenges of data analysis, from constructing robust data models in Power Pivot to harnessing the full potential of DAX for dynamic and complex analyses. The focus will be on practical applications and developing the ability to weave disparate data into coherent stories that reveal underlying trends and insights.

Understanding Data Modeling with DAX and Power Pivot is essential in today's data-driven landscape, where the ability to quickly analyze and draw conclusions from vast datasets can set organizations apart. This webinar is tailored for those looking to enhance their data analysis skills, offering a path to not just keep pace with the current demands of data analytics but to excel. It promises to arm participants with the tools needed to transform data into a strategic asset, ensuring they are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the modern data environment and advance their careers in the process.

Areas Covered

  • How to unlock the free Power Pivot add-in for Excel
  • How to add and view data sources to the Data Model
  • How to create and arrange relationships between tables
  • How to create basic DAX measures

Course Level - Intermediate

Who Should Attend

  • Business Analysts
  • Data Analysts
  • Financial Analysts
  • BI (Business Intelligence) Developer
  • Report Developers
  • Data Architects (interested in modeling techniques)
  • Excel Experts seeking to enhance their data analysis skills
  • Product Managers (who rely on data to make product decisions)
  • Marketing Analysts
  • Operations Analysts

Why Should You Attend

In an era where data is king, not harnessing the full potential of Data Modeling with DAX and Power Pivot can leave you in the dust. The fear of falling behind due to outdated analytical methods is not unfounded. As businesses amass more data than ever before, the uncertainty of making informed decisions without advanced data modeling skills is a tangible risk. Moreover, doubting the efficacy of your current data analysis tools can severely limit your ability to uncover critical insights.

This webinar is your opportunity to eliminate these fears, uncertainties, and doubts. By learning how to effectively utilize DAX and Power Pivot, you'll be able to transform complex data into actionable insights, making data analysis not just faster but profoundly more insightful. These skills are not just about keeping up; they're about setting you apart in a competitive job market. You'll leave not just with advanced knowledge but with the confidence to apply it directly to your work, enhancing both your value in the marketplace and your decision-making processes.

Don't let the opportunity to advance your skills and career slip by. In a world driven by data, being equipped with the knowledge to manipulate and analyze this data effectively is not just an advantage it's a necessity.

Topic Background

Data Modeling with DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) and Power Pivot is a powerful approach to organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data within Microsoft's suite of business intelligence tools. Power Pivot, an Excel add-in, allows users to create advanced data models by importing large volumes of data from various sources, while DAX is a functional language designed to enhance data manipulation and analysis within these models. By leveraging DAX formulas and functions, users can create sophisticated calculations, aggregate data, and build complex relationships between tables in Power Pivot models. This combination enables analysts and business professionals to gain deeper insights into their data, support decision-making processes, and create rich, interactive reports and dashboards.

  • $160.00

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