Workplace Privacy Issues

Speaker : Bob Oberstein
When : Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Time : 01 : 00 PM EST
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Bob Oberstein is uniquely qualified with over 50 years of Labor Relations experience on both sides of the table in both the private and public sectors. Bob was also the Director of the Labor Management Relations program at Ottawa University, Phoenix where additionally, he served as Ombudsman for all student, faculty and staff complaints which often involved conducting internal investigations. Bob has several published articles to his credit in addition to his arbitration awards and has also been recognized in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Additionally, Bob served on several boards, commissions, and panels where he participated in resolving or adjudicating all manner of workplace issues in a variety of industries. In all these capacities as well as being both mediator and arbitrator Bob often reviewed investigations to determine if they had been properly performed and had merit. Additionally, he has qualified as an MD-110 investigator for Title VII and other discrimination related charges as well as being a “Lifetime Certificate Holder” of the Association of Workplace Investigators. Moreover, Bob earned a Master of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law from Tulane University's School of Law. Bob continues to serve the labor management community as well as other groups as an Arbitrator, Mediator, Facilitator, Investigator, Trainer and Educator. Further details about Bob’s unique qualifications can be found on his LinkedIn profile at
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If you, do not know what an employee and employer’s privacy rights are and do it wrong, are you prepared to face the consequences of actual, compensatory, or punitive damages and damage to your own professional reputation and standing within your work community? And what about COVID-19 or the next pandemic? For the foreseeable future, the workplace will be raising issues about an employee’s privacy rights to refuse to wear PPE, be tested, vaccinated, or contact traced both at work or in their personal life. Such privacy issues are inevitable since COVID-19 and the very nature of any pandemic is its highly communicable nature and effects not just the employee but others as well. So, if fortune favors the prepared than this webinar will help you be ready to help guide you through this maze of privacy rights by exploring the foundations, current state, and possible future changes of privacy in the workplace.
So, to start that preparation, attendees will learn:
- What the U.S. Constitution (1st, 4th ,5th and 14th Amendments) says about privacy
- How the courts define privacy and how does it affect the workplace?
- What is meant by “Invasion of privacy and what are the balancing tests and exceptions courts use to determine if the following concepts were violated?
- “reasonable expectation of privacy”
- “intrusion into seclusion”
- “unreasonable publicity” of one’s private life
- False light/defamation
- Privacy rights in an investigation - Remedies and employer defenses for “invasion of Privacy” claims
- How and why employer obligations differ in the private and public sectors
The future of workplace privacy in response to COVID-19 regarding PPE, Vaccinations (including vaccination passports), Contact tracing, transparency to the employer/co-workers re: exposure, etc, and what are the acceptable exceptions to all the above.
Areas Covered
- Foundations of privacy law
- Federal v State privacy law differences
- Different types of Invasion of Privacy claims
- Searches
- Political speech and privacy
- Monitoring and Surveillance
- “Employment at will” v privacy
- Employer investigations and employee privacy rights
- Statutory privacy rights
- Work from home (WFH) and return to work (RTW) privacy concerns from COVID-19
- Vaccinations (and vaccination passports)
- Contact tracing
- Exposure transparency
Who Should Attend
All levels of Managers, Supervisors, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards, all levels of Law Enforcement or Security staff.
Why Should You Attend
The last thing any responsible organization wants is to violate an employee’s rights or its own policies! Especially if we are talking about privacy rights which have lately become a flashpoint in the world according to COVID. But it still happens, even in those organizations with the best intent. This is because what you don’t know can and at some point, will most likely hurt you and when it comes to privacy, we’re talking lawsuits and other potentially negative outcomes such as loss of professional reputation or even market share. And no one needs that! And the answer is to be prepared by making sure you know what you can and cannot do!
So, do you know what an employee’s and employer’s privacy rights are? And if they claim such rights exist under the U.S. or a State constitution, statute, or the common law if they are right or how you will respond? Can you identify if any policies, practices, or actions create an unreasonable “intrusion of seclusion” or place someone in a “false light” in the public eye (defamation)? Are you inadvertently appropriating someone’s name or likeness without their consent? And what about monitoring, surveilling, or searching employees without violating their privacy rights? And if you risk doing it wrong, are you prepared to face the consequences of actual, compensatory, or punitive damages and damage to your own professional reputation and standing within your work community? This webinar has been developed to answer all these questions and more by exploring the foundations, current state, and possible future changes of privacy in the workplace.
Topic Background
Most employees will insist they have privacy rights, especially at the workplace. But few can state what those rights are. Likewise, not every employer or manager know what their obligations are when it comes to respecting an employee’s privacy rights or what the penalties are for not doing so. This webinar has been developed to explore the foundations, current state, and possible future changes of privacy in the workplace.