Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
  • CODE : STBR-0001
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
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Steve Brookes and his business partner, Serena Ittoo, work to help women and professionals with overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, self-doubt and stress eliminate the root cause holding them back, enabling them to live a life they love. Steve and Serena support this transformation by providing the tools needed to help work through their emotions and develop rock solid confidence in who they authentically are.

Steve and Serena are both Master NLP Practitioners and through their business, Expressing Your Authentic Self, they specialize in (all areas relating to) self-confidence and self-esteem, and guide clients to embrace, explore and be excited to show who they are with confidence! Steve and Serena help clients to reawaken The Confident Version of Themselves so they can begin to speak up and live and breathe the confidence they need to obtain the life they really want.

This is further supported by the skills, knowledge and awareness Steve has gained through his own struggles and journey in life. This has helped Steve to firstly change his life for the better as he’s become more confident, developed more skills and become more effective in his life and growing his business, helping more clients to transform their lives.

On this webinar you will:

  • Understand what impostor syndrome is and how it can hold you back
  • Identify your type of impostor syndrome personality
  • Learn the 5 key principles to work through the mental and emotional blocks holding you back
  • Be introduced to my holistic approach to managing and overcoming feelings triggered by impostor syndrome
  • Start to learn how to build the resilience and strength to deal with uncertainty and conquer your fears
  • Be guided through and apply a series of techniques to your own example of impostor syndrome which you can take away and use again and again if those feelings of impostor syndrome come up

Dealing with imposter syndrome is key to living your best life and the learning process and this webinar will introduce an approach to show you how:

  • We will start by taking a look at what impostor syndrome is and how it can negatively impact your life.
  • The webinar will then introduce a different perspective and holistic approach to help you manage and overcome feelings of imposter syndrome.
  • The 5 key principles to work through the mental and emotional blocks holding you back
  • How you can begin to take action even in the moment you feel impostor syndrome
  • This will then be followed by guiding you through a series of techniques which you will apply to your own example of impostor syndrome. The great thing is, you can use these techniques again and again if those feelings of impostor syndrome keep coming up.

Areas Covered

  • Introduction background to Imposter Syndrome
  • Key principles of Imposter Syndrome
  • Belief systems – perspective
  • The Missing Link – our holistic approach
  • Moving Forwards – Embracing your spiritual journey
  • Moving Forwards – Your Takeaway & Techniques

Who Should Attend

Anyone who has anxiety or imposter syndrome. Corporate professionals, students, teachers (it is universal so anyone with anxiety)

Why Should You Attend

Imposter Syndrome is more common than you think. We often fear that we are the only ones experiencing self-doubt, but you will be surprised at how many other people feel the same way. It can affect anyone no matter their social status, work background, skill level, or degree of expertise. No one is immune from this, however there are ways to work through these feelings of impostor syndrome.

Impostor syndrome is an issue faced by many corporate professionals who are successful in their careers and have the expected things in life BUT their happiness, relationships & health are so often sacrificed, undermined by feelings of anxiety, self-doubt and not experiencing success internally, often bringing up feelings of imposter syndrome.

It does not matter how common imposter syndrome in your life, or how frequently you feel it but whether you let that fear stop you from taking action to reach your goals. Breaking down any mental and emotional barriers to take action allows you to move forwards.

Join me as I gently takes you through an approach to help you deal with imposter syndrome, stop this unhelpful cycle and make some real strides forward.

Topic Background

Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities, accomplishments and feeling like a fraud. “Do I really have what it takes to pull it off?” “Do I have what it takes to be a success?”, “Am I good enough?” These are questions we often ask ourselves as we face and step into challenging aspects of everyday life and no one is immune from it.

These feelings are often fueled by self-doubt and fears and feelings of worry, concern, being scared, of not being enough, etc.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “One of these days people will realise I don’t know as much as they think”? Maybe you live with that nagging feeling of being found out because you believe you’re not smart enough, not talented enough, don’t have the experience...

These doubts and the constant pressure to fit in and perform can trigger feelings of impostor syndrome. This can lead to becoming demotivated and feeling it’s just too hard to keep putting yourself out there. The truth is without support or a means to manage and work through these feelings, they can often feel in a continual state of anxiety and not feeling good enough.

  • $200.00

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