Know Your Story: Discover the Power of Your Narrative
  • CODE : LISH-0003
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : All Levels
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 Lisa Haisha, M.A.  is a force of nature, drawing out the brilliance in everyone she encounters. She’s the author of three best-selling books (one being translated into Spanish). Her unique therapy, SoulBlazing, is a testament to her profound insight and boundless creativity. She has been leading workshops and retreats globally which teach wellness and positive mindset. She has also been an international keynote speaker for the past decade.

Her quest for inner wisdom has taken her to the far reaches of the globe (over 60 countries), from the mindfulness practices of Sufi’s in Cappadocia to the profound simplicity of life with the Bedouins in Petra. Guided by luminaries like Ram Dass and Sadhguru, Lisa has also delved into the depths of consciousness, exploring the realms of psychedelics and mysticism.

Her journey culminated in the authorship of the transformative book, Whispers from Children’s Hearts. inspired by her five-year odyssey volunteering in orphanages across fifteen countries.

Through these diverse encounters, Lisa discovered the essence of SoulBlazing – the ignition of one’s inner purpose with fervor and brilliance.

Now, she’s on a mission to share her wealth of knowledge and experience with the world. Through private coaching, writing, retreats, and her interview series, Lisa invites others to explore the beauty of being human and ignite their own inner fire.

In the realm of personal growth and self-discovery, understanding and embracing your own narrative is a profound journey. The topic of "Knowing Your Story" delves into the depths of individual experiences, memories, and emotions to uncover the underlying threads that shape our identities and perceptions of the world. This exploration is not merely about recounting events but about finding meaning, healing wounds, and charting a path forward with clarity and purpose.

  • Unearthing Personal History: At its core, "Knowing Your Story" invites participants to embark on a journey of self-exploration through storytelling. This process begins with reflecting on significant life events, childhood memories, relationships, challenges overcome, and moments of triumph. By examining these experiences, individuals gain insights into the patterns, themes, and values that have influenced their lives. This introspection is crucial for understanding how past experiences continue to shape present behaviors, beliefs, and aspirations.
  • Crafting Your Narrative: The workshop guides participants through various writing exercises and reflective practices designed to help them articulate their personal narratives. From journaling prompts to guided storytelling sessions, attendees are encouraged to delve beneath the surface of their memories and emotions, uncovering layers of meaning and significance. Through this process, they learn to construct a coherent narrative that not only chronicles their journey but also illuminates the values, strengths, and lessons learned along the way.
  • Healing and Transformation: One of the profound benefits of "Knowing Your Story" lies in its therapeutic potential. By revisiting and reinterpreting past experiences, individuals can find healing and closure for unresolved emotions or traumas. The act of writing about difficult or painful memories can facilitate emotional processing and provide a sense of empowerment and resilience. Moreover, sharing these narratives within a supportive community environment can foster empathy, validation, and a deeper connection with others who may have faced similar challenges.
  • Self-Discovery and Identity: Understanding one's story is integral to the process of identity formation. By examining the narratives we tell about ourselves, we gain insight into our core beliefs, values, and motivations. This self-awareness not only enhances personal growth but also enriches our relationships and interactions with others. Through "Knowing Your Story," participants cultivate a deeper sense of authenticity and purpose, aligning their present actions with their values and aspirations.
  • Empowerment Through Narrative: Narratives have the power to shape our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. By consciously crafting our stories, we reclaim agency over how we are understood and remembered. This empowerment extends beyond personal growth to include advocacy, leadership, and social change. When individuals embrace the power of their narratives, they become storytellers who can inspire, educate, and influence others through their lived experiences and insights.
  • Building Resilience and Agency: Life is filled with uncertainties and challenges, but our narratives can serve as anchors of resilience and sources of agency. By acknowledging both triumphs and setbacks within our stories, we cultivate a balanced perspective that acknowledges the complexities of human experience. This resilience enables individuals to navigate adversity with greater confidence and adaptability, drawing strength from their own narratives of perseverance and growth.

In essence, "Knowing Your Story" is more than a workshop—it is a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. By embracing the power of our narratives, we unlock the potential to cultivate resilience, authenticity, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Through reflective writing, shared dialogue, and community support, participants not only uncover the richness of their personal histories but also embark on a path towards greater self-awareness, purpose, and fulfillment. Join us on this enriching exploration of your own narrative and discover the profound impact it can have on your life and those around you.

Areas Covered

Introduction to Narrative Exploration: The session begins with an introduction to the concept of narrative exploration, emphasizing its importance in personal growth and self-understanding. Participants are encouraged to reflect on the power of storytelling and its ability to illuminate different facets of their lives.

Guided Writing Exercises: Throughout the workshop, attendees engage in guided writing exercises designed to prompt deep reflection and introspection. These exercises may include journaling prompts, narrative mapping, and autobiographical writing techniques aimed at uncovering significant life events and their emotional resonance.
Exploring Key Life Themes: Participants are guided through exercises that help them identify and explore key themes in their lives. By examining recurring patterns, pivotal moments, and personal values, individuals gain clarity on the underlying motivations and influences that shape their identities.

Sharing and Dialogue: A crucial aspect of the session involves sharing personal narratives within a supportive group setting. This dialogue fosters empathy, validation, and connection among participants as they listen to and reflect on each other's stories. Through active listening and respectful feedback, attendees gain new perspectives and insights into their own narratives.

Reflective Practices: Reflective practices such as mindfulness exercises and guided meditation are integrated throughout the session to promote emotional awareness and inner exploration. These practices encourage participants to cultivate a deeper connection with their thoughts, emotions, and lived experiences.

Constructing Your Narrative: The workshop guides participants through the process of constructing a coherent narrative that integrates their personal insights and reflections. By organizing their stories into a meaningful framework, individuals gain a clearer understanding of their personal journeys and the lessons learned along the way.

Empowerment Through Storytelling: Emphasis is placed on the transformative power of storytelling as a tool for personal empowerment and advocacy. Participants learn how to harness their narratives to inspire others, promote social change, and foster resilience in the face of challenges.

Supportive Environment: The session provides a safe and supportive environment where participants can explore sensitive topics and emotions with guidance from experienced facilitators. This environment encourages vulnerability and authenticity, allowing individuals to confront and address difficult truths within their narratives.

Goal Setting and Integration: Towards the conclusion of the workshop, participants are invited to set personal goals based on insights gained from their narrative exploration. Facilitators assist in creating actionable steps for integrating these insights into daily life, fostering continued growth and development beyond the session.

Closing Reflection and Community Building: The session concludes with a closing reflection where participants share their takeaways and insights from the workshop. Opportunities for continued community building and support are also provided, ensuring that the journey of self-discovery and narrative exploration continues beyond the workshop setting.

Through these structured areas of exploration and engagement, "Knowing Your Story" offers a comprehensive framework for participants to uncover, understand, and harness the transformative power of their personal narratives.

Who Should Attend

  • Personal Development Enthusiasts
  • Life Coaches
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Corporate Trainers
  • Educators and Teachers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Human Resource Managers
  • Career Counselors
  • Students
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Business Leaders and Executives
  • Public Speakers
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Wellness Coaches
  • Athletes and Sports Coaches
  • Artists and Creatives
  • Individuals Seeking Personal Growth
  • Team Leaders and Managers
  • Mindfulness Practitioners
  • Anyone Interested in Positive Psychology
  • Parents
  • Teens
  • Empty Nesters
  • Mid-Life Crisis Stage

Why Should You Attend

In a world often characterized by fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), understanding and embracing your own narrative can be a transformative journey. The "Know Your Story" workshop offers a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of your personal experiences, crafting them into a powerful narrative that empowers and enlightens you.

Overcoming Fear: Fear holds many of us back from reaching our full potential. By attending "Know Your Story," you confront these fears head-on, exploring the events and emotions that have shaped you. Through guided exercises and expert coaching, you'll learn to transform fear into understanding, resilience, and ultimately, strength.

Navigating Uncertainty: Life is inherently uncertain, but your story can provide a compass. This workshop equips you with tools to navigate the twists and turns of your journey. By identifying key themes and insights from your past, you gain clarity on where you've been and a clearer vision of where you're headed.

Dispelling Doubt: Self-doubt can cloud our perception of ourselves and our capabilities. Through introspective writing and shared dialogue, "Know Your Story" helps you uncover your inherent strengths and triumphs. By acknowledging your achievements and lessons learned, you build confidence in your unique narrative.

Personal Empowerment: Your story is more than just a collection of memories—it's a source of empowerment. By attending, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-expression, reclaiming ownership of your narrative. Whether you're seeking personal growth, healing, or a deeper understanding of yourself, this workshop offers a supportive environment to explore and celebrate your journey.

Community and Connection: Sharing your story in a supportive community fosters connection and understanding. "Know Your Story" provides a safe space to listen and be heard, fostering empathy and camaraderie among participants. Through dialogue and reflection, you gain new perspectives and insights, enriching both your personal narrative and your relationships.

Ultimately, attending "Know Your Story" is about embracing the power of storytelling to transform your life. By crafting a narrative that honors your experiences and aspirations, you cultivate resilience, authenticity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Join us to unlock the transformative potential of your story and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Don't let fear, uncertainty, or doubt hold you back embrace the power of your narrative and discover the profound impact it can have on your life

Topic Background

The desire to write memoirs and engage in therapeutic practices aimed at self-discovery has evolved over time, influenced by various cultural, societal, and psychological factors:

The rise of Individualism influenced us to try and understand who we are and why we’re here.  As societies shifted towards valuing individual experiences and personal fulfillment, there was an increasing interest in exploring one's unique life story as a means of self-expression and identity formation.

The field of psychology, particularly in the 20th century with the development of psychoanalysis and later humanistic psychology, emphasized the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's personal narrative for mental health and well-being.

Movements such as the human potential movement in the 1960s and 70s encouraged individuals to explore their inner worlds, including through writing and therapy, as a way to achieve personal growth and fulfillment.

In recent decades, there has been a greater acceptance and normalization of therapy and self-help practices, making it more socially acceptable and accessible for individuals to engage in introspective activities like memoir writing and self-reflection.

The popularity of memoirs and autobiographical literature has also contributed to the interest in personal storytelling, with many authors using their own experiences to connect with readers on a deeper, more personal level.

Overall, the desire to write memoirs and engage in therapeutic practices focused on self-discovery reflects a broader cultural and psychological evolution towards valuing personal narratives and understanding oneself more deeply.

  • $160.00

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