Resource Management in Construction Schedules
  • CODE : SAMU-0033
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Saleh Mubarak, Ph.D.

  • Construction project management professional, professor, consultant, author, public speaker, and trainer.
  • Ph.D. in civil engineering from Clemson University, USA, specialized in Construction Project Management.
  • Experience: 30+ years, diversified:
    - Industrial: private and public sectors, in the U.S. and international. Positions occupied include project engineer / manager, cost estimator, planner / scheduler, project controls manager, cost manager, training manager. - Academic: faculty member / professor, head of department.
  • Extensive experience in continuing education and professional training around the world.
  • Author of:
     - Construction Project Scheduling and Control, 4th edition
     - How to Estimate with Means Data: Basic Skills for Building Construction, 5th edition.
     - Many articles; technical and other
  • Many presentations in professional conferences such as PMI, AACE International. Public speaker in many local, regional, and international events.
  • An authority on project planning, scheduling, and project control.
  • An advocate of holistic healthy living.

This seminar will go over the concepts and steps to manage resources in a typical construction project. It goes briefly into some scheduling and cost management topics as they relate to the seminar topic. It covers how a schedule is cost or resource-loaded, and then how can we draw the resource usage profile and cash flow diagram throughout the project. The seminar goes over the concept of resource allocation and resource leveling and its impact on the critical path method concepts, as well as its practical applicability. The seminar then goes into the definition of the three resource categories and the differences among them when it comes to resource management. It discusses productivity, expenses, and other related topics. The seminar concludes with a brief discussion of site plans and logistics, as related to the seminar topic. The seminar includes many valuable tips for a smooth and effective schedule that fulfills resource needs in the most efficient way.

Areas Covered

  • A quick review of the critical path method and scheduling with a focus on issues relating to resource management
  • Definition of resources in a typical construction project
  • Labor analysis: Labor sources and cost
  • Equipment analysis
  • Productivity fluctuation and adjustment, and impact on cost of crews
  • Brief coverage of bonds and insurance
  • Resource allocation in a CPM schedule and resource leveling, with illustrative examples
  • Resource allocation and leveling: GC versus subs, single project versus multi-projects
  • Materials management
  • Procurement and site plan and logistics

Who Should Attend

Contractors, subcontractors, project managers, schedulers, cost estimators, project management team members, architects, and engineers.

Why Should You Attend

This seminar will go over the concepts and steps to manage resources in a typical construction project. Learning these concepts is crucial for the project manager and the entire project management team, particularly the cost and scheduling teams. The seminar provides valuable tips for good management of labor, materials, and equipment; in order to provide the project manager with the needed resources when needed and as needed. This will result in a smooth schedule and cost reduction.

Topic Background

The term resources may have different interpretations depending on the industry and context. In the construction industry, it includes 3 categories: Labor (not salaried staff), materials, and equipment. Managing these resources is a complicated topic because each of them has to be managed in a different way. Poor resource management may lead to delays, cost overruns, and other problems. This seminar will go over the concepts and steps to manage resources in a typical construction project.

  • $160.00

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